Tool bar thingy

Friday, 29 April 2011

My blog won't let people write their comments apparently - I am only getting a couple through

So I have NO idea how to undo this! Of course I have my security thingymabob set so I get to see the comments first before I publish but other than that nowt's new. O and the Wedding was AWESOME. I am proud to be British today! Pomp and ceremony? bring it on!!


  1. I slept during the wedding. Did you guys get the day off to watch? The amount that it has taken over our media here, I hope you guys got the day off.

  2. It's letting me comment again.

  3. I was there in spirit. Set my alarm for 3:00 AM, rose, made a cup of coffee and settled down to watch. Lovely and impressive wedding!The crowds were amazingly well behaved, a tribute to the day.

    Next the Olympics? May they go as well as the wedding!


Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!