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Saturday 30 May 2015

Stash? What stash!!

Well after reading a few posts lately about stash busting I though I'd get all my stash in one place! 
Ummmm I think I'm covered, wool wise, for the next 100 years or so!! 
My bed is a superkingsize bed! The wool covered it! I've had it squirrelled away here n there. Most of it is inherited wool. The wool I've bought lately is from a fabulous shop up in Newcastle and it's for a pattern that I need to get my head round before starting as it's written differently and uses a chart for the cable pattern. Has anyone knit a Katia pattern before? 
There were just four little pieces of work I'd started once upon a time! 

And I've also a rather extensive needles n mularky collection! 
However, it is now all tidied away in vacuum bags and I will not buy any more until it's all been used! 
So in an attempt to use it up. I'm starting THREE new baby cardigans! Three different yarns, three different patterns. Here they are at 24 rows each.
I've gone wrong on here somewhere - it's a lacy matinée coat knit in 4ply. I will try again! I need to re check the pattern as I keep ending up with the wrong amount of stitches. It's very complicated! Well it is for me! Some of you would be able to do it in your sleep!! 
This wool was one of those bargain bucket knit a scarf bundles. I thought it'd make a sweet little baby cardigan. I've checked- the little sequins are securely attached- I tried but couldn't pull one off; plus its first size so they tend to not be pulling at their clothes! 
This is some inherited boucle in a lovely sea blue. I thought it'd be a cute little baby jacket to go over jeans! 

Hopefully the next time I post there'll be more to show you. 

Well half term has zoomed by and today I've been making use of the fridge pickings! 
I've made a really tasty chicken pie concoction. 
You will need
Roast chicken - leftovers - carcass picked clean
An almost past it leek
2 carrots
3 questionable spring onions 
Leftover gravy
Chicken stock cube n boiling water

Here's how I did it. 
First soften the chopped leek, spring onion and carrot in a splash of oil. I sprinkled on some chicken seasoning. Then let it go cold. 

Then make a roux using the all in one method - start with cold butter, milk and flour - all same weight in a pan and heat and stir not stopping once. Perfect white sauce every time. I made mine purposefully thick. I then let it down with some chicken stock. The rest of the stock went in the pan boiling the potatoes. 
Once the sauce was cooked through I added the leftover chicken gravy and stirred to combine then let it go cold. 

Once everything is cold mix in the cooked chicken and veg and add some frozen peas. Try not to eat too much at this stage. 
It doesn't look particularly yum but it is! 
Then drain n mash yer spuds and top yer pie! 
It'll go into a hot oven later till the topping is all golden and crunchy! I've some cabbage to serve on the side! 
Here is is fresh out of the oven! Very filling and frugal. Plus it went down a storm with the teen and his sister. 

Also made was a carrot & sultana cake 

That's popping candy! Checked my sprinkles rack and the colours match perfectly! 
I wish that everyone has had an awesome week and that all is well in your world. 

Till next time 
Love from 

Rachel *banned from wool shops* Radiostar xxx 


  1. I am relieved to see your wool stash because mine is similar, only hidden in several bags stuffed inside various wardrobes :o) I am also very jealous of your needle collection. Supper looks delicious x

    1. Supper was moreish! I was a bit shocked when faced with all that wool at once!! But I've been collecting it here and there for decades!

  2. Wow, you're my kind of gal - stash buster extraordinaire, (We could start a race to see who stash busts first. :) and left overs' cook second to none. I salute you.
    PS If you're in need of a blanket the 'stash busting' blanket is a great user-upper. It's also immensely satisfying to make.

    1. I'm only a beginner crocheter - I'd LOVE to create a striped blanket or a granny square one. I'm learning - but very slowly! I salute you back Mum! X

  3. That cake looks yummy and I love the little jackets, especially the one with the sequins and fancy edging. I've not knitted anything for ages, I'd like to make a lacy top for myself but never get round to looking for a pattern. xx

    1. That cake? What cake? It's all gone!!! Have a look online at Craftsy - lots of free patterns in all styles, shapes and sizes xx

  4. Wow that is some stash. I thought mine was big but yours is bigger and my needle collection is smaller. However, years ago my mum had a wool shop and when she closed it she took the left over stock home. and unfortunately some of the wool/yarn is still there and a huge stash of needles and haberdashery. Dad and I will eventually get to all that but at the moment we are working through other stuff.
    Dinner looks tasty

  5. Oh Carol, my dream is to own a wool shop. Dinner was tasty!! Look after yourselves xxx

    1. Now is a good time with the revival of the knitting and crochet crafts. Unfortunately mum opened her shop as it was starting to become unfashionable.

  6. That is one heck of a stash. Should keep you busy for a while. That cake looks delicious. Fingers crossed on the peg front. They are so cute. X

    1. I'm going to email them this week. Will update you all next post.

  7. hahahaha your banned from the wool shops.
    When I visit family in Japan everyone always says "Mum step away from the paper goods"
    I always take one suit case full of gifts for family and friends and then stuff it full of paper,
    cards, notebook, books, pens, ink ....... I am always slipping away !
    They always check my bags to see just what I have... they know me to well.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Oh new paper is delicious too!! And card - especially patterned card! I think I'm a hoarder!

  8. You would get on so well with my daughter lol . She has a wool stash to match yours.


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