Tool bar thingy

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Feedback to Hotpoint update...

Well, I almost feel sorry for poor Les as he is going to be "dealt with internally!" I mean the poor boy no harm. Just common decency and manners would have been acceptable. Mr Customer Service man took what I was telling him very seriously indeed and he himself would not have accepted such shoddy service! He must be very good at his job because I duly feel appeased and at one with my dishwasher!

I disputed that Nice Engineer on Monday missed something because as I said last post - it WAS WORKING! As in switched it on, water rushed in and comforting dishwashery noises were heard. Not anymore.

It's Tuesday of the second week off work. I have done lots of housewifey type jobs and downstairs is visitproof - so of course I will have NO visitors .
Plus if we were to be inspected by the UBP*  we would pass with flying colours. Of course I now have bags of rubbish to store until Bin day swings around again in a fortnight. Why do I never feel the urge to clean and tidy before they are due?   I've been tweeting a lot and one of my newest Twriends is a lovely kindred spirit called Lynda. Her tweets really do make me laugh and as I was rather boringly tweeting about my tidying she started #housewifegambling - whereby she saw my laundry folding and raised me the ironing etc. Silly simple fun that makes me smiley!

The sun is beaming in as I write this so I shall not loiter at the keyboard. I have knitting planned. Ingredients with which to make cherry scones and weeding to do. These, are my unexciting, non - extreme, pointless day to day holiday loves. Pretty unremarkable but exactly my cup of tea.

I might just have a look at tickets to gigs....not been to one since Muse at Lancashire County Cricket Ground where I was RIGHT at the front, popping my mosh pit cherry and I have to admit the lure of the crowd is calling me....just got to be the right band! ( And the right price!)

So cheerio for now. I wonder what exciting things you got up to today whilst I was pottering around my house?

*UBP = Under Bed Police

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Many thanks for taking the time to read my words and respond with your own thoughts. I always try to reply so make sure you pop back to see!