Tool bar thingy

Monday, 19 June 2023

Feeling hot hot hot!

 All hot and bothered! Am Northern and not built for this heat! We had a good downpour yesterday and it’s been much better today. 

The Childers at work in my after school gang have enjoyed the joys now for days or a

Paint brush and a cup of water and are busy painting the stones and playground! All the expensiver stuff has been ignored! 

My sourdough is STILL ALIVE! I’ve had it in the back of the fridge for a long while but revived it successfully to make the burger buns for Miss now 29’s birthday BBQ at the weekend. 

I’ve been repurposing a load of pebbles from my friend’s now dismantled water feature to edge my path! I’ve treated myself to a few new garden lights. And I made some bespoke cushions and covers for my bench with matching coasters!! Incidentally the fabric came from my pebbly friend too and I cut it up and jpined it back together again! I have a matching table cover for my big table and I am toying with some bunting!! 

I cannot wait for the end of term. Another year done! Almost. Three weeks four days to go. 

Lots of love from R xx