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Saturday, 18 March 2017

It's been a whole week

....since I last posted.
Since Freddie came and took ownership of his new life jacket we bought him.

Lots of Freddie photos of him in the sea in his on his latest post!

My current position is laying in bed looking at Layer Cake quilt blocks! So many to ooo and ahhh over. I've looked at jelly rolls ones too. I have two jelly rolls but they are so pretty as they are! If I bring myself to use them then I won't have them! Crazy but it's how I am with a lot of my lovely stash!

A lot of people had a giggle at old Rhubarb Kingdom Brunel in my last post and I have blogged many funny things the Childers have said to me over the years I've worked in schools. Talking of which

I have been informed that I am over qualified for my long service award! The rules have changed. It used to be 15 consecutive years in one institution setting which meant I should have it anyway but they upped it to 20 years with the added bonus of being from when you first started working for the County Council over numerous jobs. So as I first worked for them  at the tender age of 21 when I came back from Nannying in Spain when I'd finished college, then quickly started with The Morning Sickness which produced Miss 22 it means I've clocked up 24 years!
My prize is an extra paid day off in the year AND a gift of £271 to be spent at a place named by them - big list to choose from - as of yet, I have no idea what is on this list. Fingers crossed it's a good list and not full of things like a day horse riding etc! How they got to £271 I have no idea and it's not linked to role or pay - it's the same across the board!

So I apologise if you've read this before but I can't remember if I've shared this absolutely hilarious ( I think ) story from when my favourite ever childerbeast was at school.

We were reading The Little Red Hen. Not the one who planted the seed etc but this one...


While the fox is out getting his carrots, TLRH takes her trusty little embroidery snippers  out of her apron pocket ( see picture ), escapes from the sack, fills it with big heavy rocks and runs away home. Meanwhile, the fox, comes back with his carrots, fills a huge pot with water over the fire and sets it to 
boil. He chops up the carrots and licks his lips. He lifts up the sack and tips it into the pot, the rocks displace the boiling water, scald him dead. Ex Fox etc 

Me: now then, what is the moral of this story? ( expecting something about double checking before you do something etc ) 

Child: ( dead pan and deadly serious, unaware of the comedy they are about to commit )

 never ever trust a hen with some scissors! 

Lots of love from 
Rachel* will laugh about this to her dying day * Radiostar xxx

Saturday, 11 March 2017

I has a visitor.

Hellooo everyone,
How is your weekend so far? Mine is fantastic. Friday night was spent with old friends. Much laughter and good cheer was enjoyed. Considering we only 'nipped for a brew' after tea, the 3am walk home was refreshing!
Up with the larks, well awake enough to watch the cracking Wales v Ireland 6 nations game. Then, much to the horror of the poor delivery bloke, I had to answer the door in my nightie, sans supportive under garments!!! I actually took delivery of the parcel from behind the door, literally snaking my arm round the door. What's my name? Well it's clearly Miss Glamorous Perty McSupermodel!!!
That poor poor bloke will be scarred for life - just from my hair alone.

Soooo the bathroom was cleaned, the Mother in Law was given coffee and witty repartee. The witty repartee was delivered via the HG and Mr 19 as I enjoyed a lovely shower in my clean bathroom.
Speaking of which, I bought this new fangled  twin gel thing that you 'pipe' onto the inside of the toilet bowl. ( You know, I'll buy anything new once. Well, it looks like one of the kids has had a nasty accident with the stripy toothpaste. But it smells nice.

Then the MiL went for the bus and not long after...
Miss 22,  her young man and of course a certain Freddie arrived. Much giddiness and waggling of backsides ensued. Once I'd calmed down.... ( sorry- went for the easy obvious giggle )

We've bought him a life jacket for his seaside walks, he looks very smart in it. Spag Bol was made by me where I almost had a culinary disaster. I put in two kaffir lime leaves. I looked and thought those Bay leaves look greener and fatter than usual. Then I sniffed- they smell nicer than bay. Oh that's because they are not bay leaves. Fortunately, I fished them out pdq and switched for the correct leafery and no one knew the chaos in the kitchen had occurred!

Before I sign off for now I thought I'd share a couple of corkers from work this week.
On a school trip to a steam railway, the onsite workshop leader was asking by the children all about their knowledge of the history of the Train.

Man : so can anyone tell me any more famous engineers from the same time in history?
Child: ( confidently ) yes. Rhubarb Kingdom Brunel

The man took it all in his stride
Ahhh yes, good old Rhubarb Brunel !!

Next giggle
Maths lesson
The question was set
The train line is 40km. The engine only has enough coal for half of the journey. Where will the train stop? Bearing in mind, it is a maths lesson
Most of the class: 20km
My little soul : durrrr the train station!!

Thanks for indulging my whiny post last time.
Well, we are just watching Crufts - of course none come close to Freddie and then I think I will have to give in and go to bed. I cannot do 3am nights out any more.

Just before I do go, please please enjoy this lovely shot of Freddie and then pop along to his very own blog and show him how adored he is!!

Lots of love from

Rachel *too old for late nights* Radiostar xxx

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


I wish I was like Louis Armstrong and could sing about having all the time in the world. Right now, I don't feel like I've ANY time. It's not even as if I'm doing loads! Work - dual role again for the time being - is making me tired. I've not crafted, I've not read, I've not done much. I bought a load of yellow stickered meat last night and in the back of my mind I thought, I could proudly blog my finds....but I didn't.
After the last six months of heightened feels, I think I'm just all out of va va voom. Can't quite put my finger on it.
But I thank the lovely people for taking the time to see if I'm ok and I really am. I just don't have time to tell you!
I've said before about not liking not having the blogger app anymore. Adding photos on from the dashboard on an iPad or phone is incredibly irksome so that sucks a bit of enjoyment out of blogging for me too. I can't find the effort required.

I do assure you all I'm reading your posts sporadically even if I don't comment. Don't think I've forgotten you!
Well, I need to go get sorted for work. Ho hum.

Lots of love

Rachel *bear with* Radiostar xx

Best yellow sticker - Rump steak £2 from £9 - no photo ( see above )